When dry skin rashes appear, this usually means that you have dermatitis. Dermatitis is a skin disease that's akin to an allergy. Dry skin rashes are just one of its symptoms. Dry skin rashes emerge when an individual with dermatitis insists in scratching the inflamed or affected areas.
There are several methods to treat dermatitis and you can learn about some of the most popular and effective methods below.
Believe it or not, but the type of clothes you wear and the choice of laundry products you use to wash and clean your garments have a strong effect on how irritating your dermatitis can be.
Avoid using liquid detergents that are not fragrance- or dye-free. Anything else could cause your dermatitis to worsen. Always use a second-rinse cycle as much as possible to ensure that there is no residual detergent left on your clothes.
Remember to wash and clean any clothes you've just bought; formaldehyde and other chemicals which can cause dry skin rashes to appear usually exist in new clothing.
Remove labels if they make you feel extremely itchy or uncomfortable.
As for the type of clothing you should wear, just stick to clothes made of cotton and are open-weaved and loose-fitting, as these are designed to let your skin enjoy better ventilation.
Don't wear anything hot and uncomfortable during the summer or when doing anything physically strenuous.
Always avoid places that do not have comfortable or tolerable temperature and humidity.
Lastly, remember to take a shower the moment you finish swimming, especially when you're doing it as an exercise. There are a lot of chemicals found in treated pools that can cause dermatitis.
Don't scratch. Scratching is bad for people affected with dermatitis. It aggravates the situation, causing the skin to break and become more prone to infection.